The Mine
The Collier Creek Mine quality has proven to be one of the highest quality and most desirable for both collectors and esoteric users.
The Collier Creek Quartz Crystal Mine is nine original 20 acre mine claims filed in the late 1920’s, and worked by hand, and patented in the mid 1930’s. A mining claim patent is the origin of a deed. In 1980 the property was purchased by Don Burrow from the two brothers who first prospected, proved the deposits, and earned the patents.
The Collier Creek Deposit was first mined with heavy equipment and became a major commercial mine in 1980 by Burrow’s Mining Company. In 1982 Crystal City was Incorporated by the Burrow family who still mines this property.
The Collier Creek Mine quality has proven to be one of the highest quality and most desirable for both collectors and esoteric users.
The Collier Creek Crystals are known for long candle points. They were formed on calcite, which was later eroded by the acids in the ground water, leaving only the very thin quartz layer, thus making it a one-of-a-kind Quartz Crystal Specimen.
The Collier Creek Mine is not now, nor has ever been, open to the public for digging.